Top 5 uses for Firewood Ash

There’s nothing better after a long day’s work than sitting in front of an open fire and revelling in the warmth that it brings.
The British climate means that we aren’t short of opportunities to do this in the UK, with homes across the country enjoying the benefits fireplaces bring. Once we’re done with the fire though, there is often plenty of ash leftover from the firewood.
While you might consider just throwing it away, there are actually a number of innovative ways you can make great use of this ash.
De-ice your paths
Cold weather and icy driveways often come hand in hand. So the chances are, that the morning after you’ve been enjoying the toasty warmth of your fireplace, you’ll find yourself slipping and sliding down your path.
Firewood ash is always a handy, yet somewhat surprising, way of de-icing your driveway after a flurry of snow or freezing night. Simply sprinkle the ash on the ground and you’ll see it has the same effect as salt, melting the ice and giving you more grip.
This is because ash is high in potassium, which can also be found in salt, so it’s always a good idea to keep a bucket of ash nearby when the temperature begins to plummet.
Make soap
This will take a little more creativity than simply tossing ash on your driveway, but it also makes for a fun activity.
It may seem strange, but the leftover ash from your fireplace can actually be turned into an effective soap. Mix the ash with water and some coconut oil and voila! You have a brand new soap that is ready for action.
Due to the fact that it includes no abrasive chemicals, soap made from ash is ideal for both sensitive, and non-sensitive skin.
It’s great for your garden
Firewood ash is great for your garden as it is a natural alkaline. This means that it will naturally increase the PH of your soil. Which is fantastic news for nearby plants. Alkaline rich soil encourages the growth of many plants, such as lavender, honeysuckle and flowers like geraniums. It is also great for compost heaps as it includes natural elements like potassium. Only add small quantities at a time though, while high alkaline soil and compost is positive, too much could cause damage.
As well as this, ash will keep away garden pests such as slugs and snails. Place the ash near the areas of concern, such as vegetables or plants, and these creatures should be deterred. This also saves you spending money on chemical slug pellets.
Clean your woodburner’s glass
Going back to cleanliness, and ash is often used by people to clean the glass of their woodburners. When the woodburner is cool, simply wet a cloth and add some of your firewood ash to the glass. You may need to repeat this a few times until you’re satisfied.
The reason that ash cleans in this way is because it acts as an abrasive and it works a treat every time!
Keep your furry friends smelling fresh
Firewood ash isn’t just a good way of making humans smell great in the form of a soap- your four legged friends can benefit too.
When out on their daily walks, most dogs can’t resist rolling around in the dirt or exploring some smelly aromas. If you don’t want to have to give your dog a full bath, but still want a way to remove the smell from them, then ash is an innovative way to do just that.
Ash absorbs odour, so giving your dog a rubdown with it can help it to smell its best. Similarly, if your fridge is releasing a bit of a stink, then putting a bowl of ash inside it can prevent this too.
If you need a place to purchase your firewood, coal or quality smokeless fuels, then KG Smith & Sons has you covered. We offer all of this, plus eco-friendly wood briquettes at competitive prices for customers across the UK. Our friendly team can ship your order directly to your door, so contact us today.